Ciao a tutti! Eccomi con un nuovo progetto riguardante il DAS idea mix. Il Das di per sé è un materiale molto
versatile, con cui si possono realizzare davvero tantissimi progetti, in particolare io ho rivestito delle scatole in legno, rendendole particolarmente eleganti.
Hello everyone! Here I am with a new project concerning the DAS idea mix. Das in itself is a very versatile material, with which you can do really a lot of projects, in particular I’ve covered some wooden boxes, making them particularly elegant.

Per vedere il procedimento completo e scoprire come ho rivestito le scatole, ecco il video tutorial:
To see the complete procedure and find out how I covered the boxes, here is the video tutorial:
Das air dries and these boxes have occurred at least 24 hours because the wood was already covered, otherwise it would have taken a little bit more for the wet wood.
I used to polish Vernidas, a fantastic product that makes gloss and shiny objects, stands out the colors and dries quickly enough.