Ciao a tutti! Oggi vorrei condividere con voi una mia recente creazione su ordinazione: due album per nascita personalizzati in stile shabby chic. Uno degli album era per la piccola Mia e uno per Emma. Per le copertine ho scelto di personalizzarli con il nome e con dei decori in tema. Le carte con cui ho rivestito le copertine sono parte di un set di carte vintage molto belle e glitterate.
Hello everyone! Today I would like to share with you my own custom creation: two custom shabby chic style birth albums. One of the albums was for my little Mia and one for Emma. For the covers I chose to customize them with the name and decorations on the subject. The cards with which I covered the covers are part of a very beautiful and glittering vintage set of cards.

The size of the albums is 20×20 cm with 12 internal pages of 20×19,5 cm. Each interior page has been decorated so that it can accommodate the photos, thoughts and memories of the little girls.

Some pages, as you have noticed, are very decorated and ready to welcome the photos or thoughts of the little ones. Other pages are decorated to make creative background and are just a background to the most important memories. You just have to start collecting memories!